The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

And justice for all cases deemed necessary by the Republican Party

on Tom Delay
A little local poll from a Houston television station is causing some waves in the Delay Watching community. It seems that of the 548 voters polled in Delay's district, 51% disapprove of the job he is doing as Congressman. In addition to that, 21% believe he should resign from House leadership, while 36% believe he should flat out leave the House. The odd thing about all of that is that 39% believe he should remain the Majority Leader.

All in all, I don't know how much stock should be put into this poll. It seems like good news, but the Democrats still need to push the issue and get Delay's corruption in the faces of the American people so that public opinion will continue to turn against him. Allow me to restate that leaving Delay in office for midterm gains is a bad idea. I say get him out now and let the Republicans in Texas replace him with someone else, because...REALITY CHECK...a Democrat winning that district is virtually impossible. If 42% of his constituents are still supporting him while he misuses and disrespects the power they gave him to represent their best interests, all they must care about is his vote in the (R) column and nothing else. In other words, they'd rather have the most corrupt man in the House representing them than risk having a (D) in their seat.

on the nuclear option
I found a link to some great analysis on the Republicans' attempt to take away filibuster abilities of the Democratic minority. Check it out. The breakdown of the events provided is pretty sweet. The "nuclear option" would be a ridiculous move by the Republicans. If Bush doesn't want his judges shot down, he should ditch his extremist litmus testing and nominate some sane and fair judges instead of trying to have his Senatorial lackeys change established Senate procedural rules to cover his ass. Go watch "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," dude!

Furthermore, I'm tired of the religious groups campaigning against Democratic filibusters, claiming they are anti-faith. Balls! It would not be anti-faith principles guiding filibusters, it would be pro-justice principles. Focus on the Family should lay down their Bibles, reach for a government textbook and figure out what this whole justice thing means here in America.

I saw m.f. Rev. Pat Robertson on his CBN newscast talking about how it was God's will that filibustering of judges be taken away from Democrats. I can't help but laugh at this sad old guy. He's a bigger partisan hack than O'Reilly and Hannity put together and he backs every one of his Republican talking points with his interpretation of God's will. Jesus H. Christ! The saddest part of this guy's approach toward the filibusters is that if a Democratic-nominated justice were to come before the Senate he'd be up in arms about God's wish that the Republicans filibuster. I hope he lives to see a Democratic President and legislative majority again, so people can tune in to CBN, or whatever that late-night current events/preachathon is, and see the nightly hypocrisy of organized religion. God bless our country!

on the Vodka Suicide
Everybody remembers back in the day when you'd go up to the soft drink fountain and mix every flavor together, right? Ok...
*****Vodka Suicide*****
1 part cola
1 part Root Beer
1 part Orange Fanta or Red Pop
1 part Dr. Pepper
1 part Sprite
1 part Mountain Dew
4 parts Vodka


Today's JobeyPoll
Who is going to win tonight: Buhler/Daugherty or Cranfield/Nobles? Post your answers in Comments...


  • At 5/03/2005 05:14:00 PM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    Naw, dude, raquetball. What's your prediction?

    I've got Russell and Katie sweeping with wide margins of victory in each set.

  • At 5/03/2005 07:04:00 PM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    Actually, Katie has now backed out of the competition. Therefore, the poll question must be changed to: Why did Katie back out?

    My response: She was afraid of Tricia's and my superior raquetball skills.

  • At 5/03/2005 07:19:00 PM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    Really...well shitty!

    He probably will though...sad but true.


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