The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

It's a pencil and the eraser is stuck up bin Laden's pooper!

Best 40 bucks I ever spent!

on yesterday's mysterious post
While I've got some time, I'd like to give my take on these new developments in Army recruitment. The current scandal involves recruiters doing everything from helping recruits pass drug tests to coercing them with threats of legal action if they don't show up for meetings at the recruitment offices. I'm sure that the questionable tactics used by our miliarty to get numbers up don't stop there. This is a tough time to be selling the services, what with a war in Iraq, a war on terrorism in general, the threat of wars against North Korea and Iran looming, all of which are being headed by an ungrateful leader who continues to cut the benefits for veterans and military families.

I am not necessarily from the camp of left-wing bloggers who think that we should be weary of using the word 'draft.' I do not intend to use it as a scare tactic. I only use it here so that people my age will be concerned with and look out for their best interests in these times. When I look at information like that the links in my previous post, I see the potential for selective service. When a bullshit war is led by bullshit leaders and people get fed up with the bullshit and no longer want to serve or want to see their children serve for the benefit of a bullshit cause, where will the citizens be found to serve? I seriously suggest you learn the lyrics to Country Joe and the Fish's "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag." Hit me with some comments.

UPDATE: Since it seems to fit in this topic, Kos put this up in the early morning. Fuck this war and fuck the people who pushed for it and fuck the people who allowed it to happen. If you see a Republican under the age of 26 today, tell him or her to go replace these fallen Marines, the hypocrite.

on final exams week
Three down, one to go, for anybody keeping score at home. I just got through the hardest of the group--Intercultural Communication. I'm only shooting for a 'B' there. I don't particularly need the 'A,' so why put in the effort? Tomorrow is Intro. to Mass Communication which should be a pushover. I'm coming home on Saturday to a life of servitude and squalor. At this point, I would rather be homeless than live with my parents.

the Jobey Poll
The Jobey's hyperlinking: overboard or good reflection of the insanity of the mediasphere?


  • At 5/14/2005 11:17:00 PM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    You should start a 1-800 number, where people call in and you tell them things they told you 10 seconds again. As long as you speak with a phoney Jamaican accent, they won't know it's a scam.

    Now, how about the first half of the post?


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