The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"The Food" by Common and Kanye West

for the gas tax
Polls are open today for the vote over an increase in tax on motor fuels. The question on the ballot, if approved, would raise the tax on gasoline by 5 cents per gallon and on diesel by 8 cents. The tax increase would be used to pay for road and bridge repairs. Another part of the question would guarantee that the legislature can not lower transporation spending.

Preliminary polls conducted by state papers have found that up to 75% of potential voters are against the tax increase. With gas prices going through the damn roof, who can fault them for their disdane for paying more money?

Well...I can. Our state has the worst bridges in the nation, and I've driven enough to know our roads, in general, are pretty shitty, too. So, to the voters of Oklahoma, I would like to ask, "What good is the extra 50 or 60 cents in your pocket when you fill up if the roads aren't worth a damn and crossing bridges means gambling your life?"

It's simply not worth the risk. Vote yes.

A Note to those who helped the Republicans get a majority in the state House and are opposed to this tax: Maybe if the people you installed had been better public servants, they would have helped fund transportation projects instead of giving out those fucking ridiculous $30 tax rebates. If they had practiced some actual "economic responsibility," this tax may not be necessary.

The Jobey Poll
Did you vote? If so, how'd you vote? If not: 1) Why not? 2) How would you have voted?


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