The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

"Basketball Jones" by Cheech and Chong/"Shooting Hoops" by G. Love and Special Sauce

I played some basketball Friday night. I watch basketball all the time and consider myself a pretty big fan, but I don't play very often. I mean, I shoot some free throws from time to time. Well, actually pretty often...but I don't actually play, so I was kind of surprised when I actually jumped up high enough to touch the rim. I didn't dunk, mind you, but I actually got up and got part of my hand in the basket.

I know, what you're thinking: "Jobes, you're like 6'3". Why are you so excited about touching the rim?" Well, kiss my ass, I don't play basketball very often.

So, now I'm thinking, I should play basketball more often. A lot more often. I mean, "I'm-goin'-out-for-a-schola'shiiip" often. Sooner or later, I'm going to dunk. I was beginning to seriously doubt I was ever going to have the hops to dunk, but now I'm pretty sure I can. I'm still going to play lacrosse, though.

Ok. Enough hoop dreams. Now for the important stuff.

My former roommate, Wayne, is going to the Navy this week. Even though we don't get to hang out often, I still consider him one of my best, closest friends. I wish him the best as he moves into this new chapter of his life. Also, good luck to him and his new fiance, Kayla. Mad love, y'all. Be safe, bro.

On a related note, his going-away party was awesome. It was great getting to see Wayne before he leaves. I got to see some other folks I went to school with up there, too, which was nice. I didn't feel depressed overall for the first time in a long time. I loved it.

Editor's Note: I shot +7 at Francis Park in Miami Saturday. Trust me that's not bad at that park in the wind.

The Jobey Poll

Is Gilgamesh Rex going to get a foot in his ass? Metaphorically speaking, of course.


  • At 12/05/2005 10:51:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Congratulations on the near dunk experience. I think that if you want to get better at b-ball, work on some key moves like the finger roll, lay up, and boxing in... i mean out. Careful when you do dunk, i hear you can seriously hurt your wrist so some form of forearm protection will be needed. If you get the scholarship, does that mean I can watch you ball on the TV? maybe a cable channel eh? And yeah, i'll get a foot in my ass, but don't you forget that I'm the monarch of the sea, not you.

  • At 12/05/2005 11:15:00 AM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    Don't worry. I won't sing monarch of the sea while I'm playing basketball. I'll just whistle the Harlem Globetrotters theme.

    About the prospect of watching me play basketball, you'll probably have to pick up one of those And-1 Mix Tapes, if you were so inclined.

    Damn, son: I wanna be like Mike.


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