The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Monday, May 16, 2005

"Battleflag" by Lo-Fidelity All-Stars

on the great red state of Kansas
The self-righteous religious elements of Kansas are still pressing ahead with their case to teach religious beliefs along side scientific theory in classrooms. The Jobey on... has already ran a post on this topic (it should be in the April archives), so we won't run this into the ground. The main reason for this post is to plug a piece by an archeology fan about the trial. It's a good post, and a little touching. It is recommended.

On a related note, I was in Kansas for about 15 minutes about a week and a half ago and I cursed that state's name every one of those minutes. I'm not sure if I hate the entire state, or if I just hate its backwards people and that corner of the state you have to pass through to get from Miami to Joplin without using I-40. I may have to do some more research, but it appears that between being an extremely red state, supporting bad science, hosting the church that protested at Charles Page High School last year, and have very repressive speed limits, Kansas will be a fixture on my hated state list for a while.

on summer days and lacks of sushi
In the immortal words of Ice Cube: I gotta say it was a good day. I played some catch with Paul and Erin, smoked a cigar, watched some South Park, visited my dad. I just finished watching 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' with my brother. If you haven't seen it yet, call me and we will watch it. It is really good, so any chance I have to watch it, I will accept.

I got really hungry this evening. I really wanted some Philadelphia roll sushi, but by the time I had reached this conclusion it was too late for me to be cruising Tulsa looking for a sushi place to serve me at midnight. I'm planning to make a trip into the city tomorrow, so I'll definitely be on the look out for late-night sushi places for future reference.

the Jobey Poll
Should intelligent design be taught in science classrooms? Should evolution be taught in mathematics classrooms? Do you think that exposure to religion before the age of 17 is indoctrination? Do you know which historical American figure proposed that idea? Are you still reading the additional questions to today's Jobey Poll?


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