The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bitches be trippin.

Has everybody noticed how all these devastating hurricanes are "females?" Bitches be trippin'! Is it that time of the month for these hurricane bitches? Damn y'all need to get some Midol, some chocolates, rent "Waiting to Exhale" and raise up off the Gulf Coast's nuuuutz.

What's up with bitches who be hatin' on my people and me? Bitches be trippin'! Just because we be keepin' real and y'all bitches' asses be half-steppin.' Fuck it--That's just that bullshit.

What's up with waitresses at the Brewery? You hook me up with beer all night, knowing I'm underage, and expect me not to try and get your digits? Bitches be trippin.'

Condoleeza Rice. That bitch be trippin, dog.

Y'all see that bitch on the front page of the Local section in today's Tulsa World? Bitch be trippin.' Shiiiiit...

That bitch talking about her period on her cell phone too damn loud be trippin'.

That dude who looks like a bitch down at B.K. be trippin'. Yeah, bitch, I like the Sourdough Bacon and Swiss. So, raise up off deeez nuuuts and gimme my sandwich, mothafucka.

Lil' Kim's new album is getting mad props from the Source and King...actually, that bitch can trip any way she pleases. Chuuuch.

The Jobey Poll
Hurricane remnants hitting Oklahoma? Explitive-Deleted pleeease.


  • At 9/27/2005 12:37:00 AM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    So. This is what it's come to. The only comments this blog gets are from dirty, rotten bastards with links to shit they couldn't put anywhere else.

    Fuck this.


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