The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

"You Get What You Give" by New Radicals

on George Carlin
The show was great last night. A. Casey has a brief review up. If you missed the show (Fools!), you can catch some of the material he performed in November on his 13th HBO special. His opening piece, 'Modern Man,' is classic rapid-fire Carlin, like the advertising piece from 'You Are All Diseased.' He used notes through the first part of the show, because he is still perfecting some new material for the special after his stay in rehab over the winter. Despite being a little rusty and unpracticed in the new stuff, Carlin showed he still is a master of the comedic arts and still has his brilliant, razor-sharp analysis.

on my new job
Hell on Earth. Plain and simple. If any of my readers know of any job locally that I can get in a hurry and that pays reasonably, contact me immediately. Time is of the essence.

Maybe I'll just lay out the positives and negatives of my work situation:
Good pay, working outdoors, working for my dad
Driving to Drumright by 6:30 every morning, working outdoors in Oklahoma summer, being under the constant scrutiny of fellow employees and management, not fitting in on the job, ethical dilemmas in requesting time off

There you have it. Pass your own judgments in Comments. I have tried to be unbiased, but you can tell the way I'm leaning with this thing. You can probably also infer why quitting is a difficult proposal.

This job already pisses me off because I almost fell asleep a few times during the George Carlin show I'd been looking forward to for quite a while. It's a shame I wrote so much more about this shit than I did that great show.

the Jobey Poll
The last part of A. Casey's last post: follow advise or 'fuck it, dude, let's go bowling'?


  • At 5/27/2005 12:08:00 AM, Blogger TheJobey said…

    Thank, bro. I hope that your job works out for you better than mine worked out for me. I also hope that you can still find time for fun with that type of schedule. Godspeed.

    I wanted to add as an update of sorts that I'm going with 'fuck it, dude, let's go bowling' when it comes to A. Casey's advise. No offense, Andy. I know you meant the best and I appreciate that you're trying to look out for me, but it just didn't work out and I can't say I expected it to. In most circumstances like this, I know the outcome before I do anything because I'm just a goddamned loser anyway.


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