The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"Miss Misery" by Elliott Smith

on the Democrats rocking the house...or Senate to be more specific
The compromise between the moderates on the "up-or-down" votes on justices showed the power the Democrats are wielding as a minority. We made the hard-line Republicans back down a little bit because of our strong threats of filibuster and we showed Dr. James Dobson where he can shove his theocratic ambitions.

Today news came that there will be a delay in the hearings on Bush's nominee to the U.N., John Bolton, whom Democrats have rallied against. All of this is good news. We have to fight for what we believe in and keep the Republicans from screwing things up in this country until the pendulum swings back to us. (Sorry, I don't have many links. I've just been picking things up here and there for the past few days.)

on my summer of futility and impotence
"I know you'd rather see me gone/than to see me the way that I am." That's from "Miss Misery," the late Elliott Smith's Academy Award-nominated song from 'Good Will Hunting.' Those lyrics pretty much sum up the way I've felt for the past four or five days.

Allow me to recap what's been going on since my last post: On Monday, I went to work, worked my ass off, and became convinced that I would never return to that yard in Drumright. On Tuesday morning, I called my dad and quit. I spent the rest of that day driving around Tulsa looking for Help Wanted signs and thinking (and buying Chappelle's Show Season 2, in case your wondering). Sometime that evening, after filling out some online applications, I realized and accepted the fact that it's far too late to find decent employment and I had to think of some alternative quickly.

Basically, I realized I am a fuck-up, and decided to go to a place where being a fuck-up in every other aspect of life is acceptable: college. I'm going to Norman for academic advisement Friday, and then I've got to track down financial aid and housing in the next week. It will be a challenge to be ready for class in a week, but I'd far rather do something constructive with my time this summer than allow it to slip away to sloth entirely.

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