The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)" by Bob Dylan

on May: a Review, too soon for perspective
This is the last day in May. The actual summer season is still 20-some-odd days away, but I feel like summer has been around for months. I'm sitting in my mom's house typing this out on her computer, my brother's about to get home from work, I'm about to enroll in a couple of classes in Norman for the summer, and I'm wondering how I got to this day in this fashion.

I can actually pin down the day that became the turning point of my summer, and it occurred at least a week before I came home. My dad offered me a job for the summer at the oil field service company he's saving from financial failure. That was immediately after I received my decorative diploma display and turned my tassle to the opposite side. I was in Miami for graduation. He offered me a job when I was making decisions about where I was going to party and how I was going to avoid the uncomfortable situation having both of my parents in the same room. He offered me a job when I was incapable of making a decision. He offered me a job and cast a haze on the rest of my evening.

I came home about a week later thinking, 'Why bother looking for a job too hard when I've got something lined up?' I wish I could go back and answer that question for myself. I wish I could save myself the hassles I'm currently confronting by just declining that job on the spot and searching harder then ever for a decent job in Tulsa.

On a more positive note, this month has taught me who my friends are--a lesson it's taken my immature ass a while to learn. I've gotten to see a lot of them this month and I've realized how great most of them are.

Also, this month renewed my faith in my party. The Democrats straight represented this month. Keep fighting for stem-cell research. Keep fighting against extremist judges. Keep fighting corruption. Keep fighting 'til mid-term elections!

It's been an eclectic month. Here's a toast to the month of June, Warren G. Harding, and a return to normalcy.

the Jobey Poll
What's been your favorite Jobey on... post this month? Who's had the best post on the blogosphere at large?


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