The Jobey on...

My personal blog. This is where I unwind and just talk about random things I want to talk about...basically, it's here to clog the blogosphere with useless information...

Monday, March 20, 2006

"Paper Tiger" by Spoon

The second half of the semester lies ahead of me. I'm reminded of last New Year's Day when I committed to leaving the disappointments of the previous year behind. The first half of this semester has been weird; good in some respects, bad in others. I feel more motivated coming into the home stretch than I did at the outset. Things feel better, you know? Maybe it's just the euphoria from spending a week sleeping in and playing really good disc golf. Man, did I plan some good disc golf...

Dropping the emotional baggage of the last couple of months is allowing me more time to concentrate on how to turn this semester around for the better. Call me crass for doing so, call me Machiavellian, but if I can pull a 3.75 this spring and have a good time doing it, feelings will be cast aside.

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